Weight Loss: One Hundred!

When I started this weight loss journey a little more than a year ago, I thought losing one hundred pounds was impossible.  I told myself that I could never, ever stick to a diet for as long as it would take to lose the weight.  I kept trying to convince myself that the diet was…

Cooking: Keto Alfredo Sauce

I’ve always been a HUGE fan of pasta with alfredo sauce.  While pasta is long forgotten, unless of course it is a low carb version, alfredo sauce is something we can still go to town on!  I searched long and hard for a good keto version and none of the recipes I found quite fit…

Infertility: Back At It

Aunt Flo came and went and it was time to start trying again.  Timing for an IUI was just not going to work this cycle so we decided to go the all natural route.  My body felt much differently this time which was our queue that it was really the right time to go for…

Life: Favorite Podcasts Pt. II

Podcasts are a great way to pass time, are easy to listen to on the go, and keep you “company” while you are doing other tasks.  I wrote about my favorite podcasts previously, but have compiled some more that I wanted to share with you. I’ve linked some of my favorites below: Amber Rose Show…