Infertility: RPL Testing

After our third miscarriage I was finally diagnosed with recurrent pregnancy loss. I knew this was coming, I just felt it after our second miscarriage. As much as doctors try to normalize two consecutive miscarriages it’s not normal, at least not in my opinion. After our OBGYN telling us we were going to miscarry our…

Weight Loss: Keto Favorites! Pt. V

Here are more of our Keto favorites! Mauna Loa Garlic and Onion Macadamia Nuts These are OMG so delicious.  I have found that they really curb my chip craving (when I have one that is).  In my opinion they taste just like sour cream and onion chips but even better.  Be careful though, it is…

Infertility: Not Again

Here we are again, a place we never wanted to be but before I continue let me say I hesitate to write this because there are people that will relish in our pain. Maybe that is why I have been absent from this platform which used to be a very big part of my healing…