Infertility: Baseline Ultrasound (IUI Treatment Three)

Our baseline ultrasound was scheduled for Friday. Luckily we had already taken the day off to celebrate our anniversary and my birthday so things worked out perfectly. We headed down to Downey and encountered no major issues, thankfully. LA traffic can be very unpredictable.

After sitting in the office for about fifteen minutes watching all the pregnant women come in and out, I finally got called back to the back. They did the regular weigh in and blood pressure check before I was sent to the room to wait.

Jon and I discussed prior to our appointment that we wanted to speak to the RE about being much more aggressive this round. We knew our time for infertility treatments were limited with our impending move so we were ready to go full force.

The doctor came in the room and introduced himself. He explained that he read our chart prior to our appointment which made us feel really at ease. He seemed to take his job very seriously and we appreciated that very much. He went over our history and we asked questions about our miscarriage. He explained that many miscarriages have no explanation and that one is not alarming. Only after two recurrent miscarriages, is there reason to question. Although it was nice to hear that we shouldn’t be worried, it still didn’t make our miscarriage any easier to deal with. He proceeded with the ultrasound and found five beautiful follicles, three on the left and two on the right, and all about the same size. This was great news, and one of our best baseline ultrasounds to date (read about our two other baseline ultrasounds here and here).

After the ultrasound was done he went on to tell us that he would be prescribing us 100mg of clomid to take days 5-9. I immediately asked if we could up the dose or move to injectables as I wanted to take a more aggressive approach. He took a look at how I has responded to clomid in the past and explained that upping the dosage would not necessarily result in more follicles and only after three failed clomid cycles do they move onto injectables. We felt comfortable with that and agreed to the same dosage. We scheduled our monitoring ultrasound for a week later, and then went down to the pharmacy to pick up the clomid and trigger shot.

So here we go, we are in full IUI force now. Let’s pray that this is our cycle!



3 Comments Add yours

  1. jmarie1974 says:

    My fingers are crossed for you guys x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hope you had a lovely anniversary and birthday. Praying for you guys 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️


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